WagsInn Dog Lodging & Canine Charities Rescues
Foster Volunteer Application
Foster care providers are a critical part of WagsInn Canine Charities. Fostering saves lives and frees up additional resources for other homeless dogs. While fostering requires time and patience, the rewards are priceless. All foster care providers are required to submit an application and complete an interview and home visit. Once approved, WagsInn Canine Charities will include you on our foster care provider list. We will contact you when an animal(s) arrives who is in need of foster care.
To make the fostering experience as positive as possible, please carefully read and agree to our guidelines below.
1. In order to foster a dog, you must be 18 or older. Households with children under the age of 18 are welcome, but the primary caregiver for the dog must be 18 or older.
2. Before taking a foster dog in, ask about the dog’s breed, age, gender, temperament, behavior, and why he/she is in need of adoption.
3. Foster parents commit to fostering a dog for the duration of their stay in foster care. It is extremely stressful for a dog to be moved around. If you are no longer able to foster a dog due to an unexpected emergency, changes in schedules or unforeseen difficulties, please contact us immediately.
4. WagsInn Canine Charities provides food, supplies, training, veterinary care, and adoption promotion. You provide space, love, exercise, socialization, and basic training. If you plan to foster dogs on a regular basis, it would be helpful to purchase your own crate. Canine Charities may deny financial reimbursement and funding at any time.
5. If your foster dog becomes ill, injured, or has behavioral or temperament changes or concerns, contact WagsInn Canine Charities immediately. We must authorize additional medical treatment and expenses. However, in an emergency situation, do not hesitate to take the dog to the vet or emergency clinic.
6. Foster dogs must be on a leash at all times when outdoors unless in a securely fenced-in yard. Dogs are not to be left unattended at any time outside.
7. Never turn over a foster to someone who claims to be its owner. Immediately contact WagsInn Canine Charities and we will examine the situation.
8. All potential adopters must go through our application and interview process. Questions and information should be directed to WagsInn Canine Charities. Avoid giving advice or false information.
9. If you have reservations or bad feelings about your foster dog(s), immediately communicate your feelings with WagsInn Canine Charities.
10. Questions, concerns, comments, and ideas should be directed to WagsInn Canine Charities.
Disclaimer: WagsInn Canine Charities reserves the right to accept or deny any person as a foster for any reason and may remove
a dog from a foster home at any time. The final decision on all foster care providers is up to WagsInn Canine Charities.